Gender Role in Environmental Protection in Developing Countries : Case Study Indonesia


  • Primadiana Yunita University of Brawijaya


gender, environmental protection, government, women participation, developing countries


The relationship of women in the environment is something that cannot be separated. In their daily lives the role of women tends to be closer to the environment, such as the availability of clean water, household waste management, caring for plants, horticulture, agroforestry, etc.

The lack of understanding of women and the limited access of women to various information about the environment that makes women potentially contribute to damage the environment. In terms of its impact, women also become more vulnerable to pollution and environmental damage.In more extensive cases, namely climate change, women are also the most vulnerable.

The problem is that various facts about the impact of climate change on women have not been accompanied by an awareness of the importance of involving women as "forgotten" parties in various discussions on climate change. This paper contains an analysis of the role of women as actors in policy making related to issues of environmental change.




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Source of law

Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management

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